Monday, February 04, 2008

recs of the week...and a super bowl title!

Quite possibly, this could be the greatest moment of my life. Pathetic? Perhaps. Do I care? Absolutely not. The Giants had a rocky start to the season, but with the help of a completely turned around Eli Manning and offensive line, and a coaching staff who believed in the team all the time, they took it all the way. Congrats to Eli, congrats to the offensive line, congrats to the entire offense. Congrats to that defense, those defensive lineman who wanted it and got it...Cofield, Robbins, Strahan, Umenyiora, Tuck. The linebackers, the secondary, the special teamers. Most of all I am happy for Michael Strahan, Amani Toomer, and Jeff Feagles. Those guys have waited far, far too long for their Super Bowl.

Hats off to the Patriots. They had one hell of a run. 18-1 is damn good, even if you didn't win the Super Bowl. However all of the accomplishments, all of the stats, they don't mean anything if you don't have that ring at the end of it all.

Here are my Super Bowl Sunday recs:

Movie Recommendation: "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
A classic move, must watch. I feel like an idiot even recommending it because I am hoping that everyone has seen it at least once. It's just one of those awesome 'gotta see' movies. So many quotable lines, so many hysterical moments.

Book Recommendation: "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" by Thornton Wilder
Not Thornton Wilder's best work ("Our Town" is one of the best plays I've ever read) but this book is still a great read. I wasn't going to read it but I'm glad I picked it up.

TV Show Recommendation: "Criminal Minds"
How can you not love this show? It's not your run of the mill cop show. Far from it. It's one of the most unique television shows, let alone crime shows, that I have ever seen. It's the sole reason I would love to work for the BAU.

CD/Band Recommendation: "De-Loused in the Comatorium" by The Mars Volta
One of my favorite albums of all time, it's a fantastic album for anyone who loves great guitar and incredibly unique vocals. It's a must listen.

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