Wednesday, July 02, 2008

the five worst bands making music today

I feel like I'm too nice sometimes. Everyone can use some negativity in their lives, ya know? You can't be too positive. You have to be realistic. I've been thinking of a lot lately, but the thing poking at my brain mostly these days is how many bad bands there are. It's getting to the point where I almost want to strangle myself. Actually, I wish those bands would just strangle themselves.

So here is a list, an amazing list at that, that features the worst five bands currently making music (if you really want to call it music) in descending order for some suspense.

The band names are links to their myspaces, so click on them to check out the bands (if you dare).

5. Cute Is What We Aim For/All Time Low/Mayday Parade/et al
Instead of naming just one band for #5, I chose to go with a "type" of band. Let's be honest, the music isn't the worst part of bands like this. It's all about image, and none of these bands have good ones. However these are the bands that do make forgettable music for the most part. The #5 bands on my list really are not that horrible...but I needed to add them to the list because I hate bands with this type of image. Tight clothes, edgy haircuts, maybe a pierced lip...they take photoshoots in their underwear? Yeah. I just can't take this type of band anymore. The only band that can dress like a bunch of crackheads as far as I'm concerned is KISS and that's it. Other than that, I wish people would wear clothes that aren't flamboyant to the point where I get violently sick when I see them.

4. Metro Station
You may be asking yourself, "Hey! Metro Station fits into the same category as the bands that were #5! Why do they get their own spot on the list!?" Well, to be honest, it's because does not only dress like a bunch of idiots, they are absolutely horrible at what they do. In fact, I don't just puke when I see their atrociously unflattering clothing or their disgustingly tight jeans, but I vomit at the very sound of them. The music is just flat out boring. I've never been so unenthused while listening to music before. You have to actually try to be as bad as this band is. Generic to the core in every possible way. Unlike the previous bands, there is not one redeeming quality about this band. As far as image goes, their guitarist/vocalist/whatever is unbelievable. His hairstyle is so laughable, it's not even funny...which I think may be a contradictive statement? Either way, it's true. There isn't much else to say. I wish they'd quit making music.

3. Forever the Sickest Kids
Are you noticing a trend here? All of the bands I've named so far dress horribly and sing horribly. There's not much else you need to know. The next band on the list doesn't have the greatest image, but it's not as bad as any of the bands I've already listed. What I hate about this band is their seemingly flawless knack for looking homosexual in almost everything they do. Every promotional photo on their myspace features them either: a. making a gay pose individually, b. making gay poses together, c. all of the above. Forget about the band's myspace photos for now and just focus on the music. It's not good. At all. Not even a little bit. It's like they all sat around throwing around ideas for what type of band they should make and someone stood up and said "Hey! Let's sound like a raging homosexual version of Fall Out Boy mixed with a little bit of every other band in the genre, except we'll be even worse!" Then the rest of the band stood up and pranced around in happiness at this wonderfully stupid idea before settling down to take a myspace photo without clothes on huddled under the American flag.

2. Nickelback
Well, are you really surprised? It's no secret that they've been one of the worst bands ever for the past couple of years and it looks like there is no end in sight. On the surface they may seem like your typical radio rock band who made it big off of a few songs. It's way worse than that though. They're bigger than almost any other radio rock band and they still sell a ton of albums. Sometimes it boggles my mind how they're even allowed back on the radio. Every song they have ever made sounds exactly the same. It's actually sickening. When you roll through their catalog, the hardest part is not even listening to's finding a song that sounds even remotely different. Chad Kroeger is the only member of the band who looks like he wants to have any part of it. The rest of the band is probably too scared to invoke the wrath of Kroeger. They all look like seemingly normal dudes, but they make absolutely crappy music. Nickelback continues to amaze many fans of music as well as musicians by making heinous music year in and year out and getting a ton of radio play and money. It's sad that a musician can work his/her entire life writing meaningful lyrics and performing his/her heart out, yet he/she will always be in the shadow of bands like Nickelback who do absolutely nothing but write generic, uninspired lyrics and roll in the dough because of it.

1. Aiden
There is a band worse than Nickelback? Oh yes, and if you don't know of them or have never heard of them you most certainly know of them now. They are currently #1 on the list of worst bands making music, ugliest bands making music, scariest bands making music, and bands who should just quit and check into a mental institution. They are truly a frightening bunch of people. They are by far the worst band in music today and I don't even question my decision to call them so. Worse than Nickelback? Yes, a million times worse. Nothing could ever make me attend any show this band will ever put on, even if my life depended on it. Their image is an atrocity but their music is even worse. The vocals are absolutely disgusting. I think what scares me the most is that they mean to look the way they do. They want to be frightening and they want you to think they are going to hurt you when you attend their show. The reality is they are just a bunch of harmless idiots whose 14 year old female fans could probably kick their asses; and the sad part about that is it's 100% true.

I think it wouldn't be fair if I said the five bands I just listed were ruining music, but they certainly are not helping it...that's for sure.

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